Lino Printing

There is a strong history of printmaking in my family and I was brought up in a house where almost all available wall space was covered in art. So naturally I became interested in the printmaking process from a young age. I was taught to cut and print lino by my talented Dad. Growing up I absolutely loved to visit him in his printing studio (the attic) and to help him printing using his press, handmade from an old bed frame. He gave me my own set of printing tools and even made me a press of my own.

I particularly enjoy the challenge of creating an image out of a limited colour palette which is something I have learnt through lino printing and has gone on to influence my style of illustration and design. For a number of years I have created a Christmas print which I give out as gifts, some of which are below.

Some prints are available to buy, please email for details.

1. Footprints in the Snow, Christmas Card 2017 | 2. Tube Mouse | 3. Tideline Treasure from the Tokio Express | 4. Snug | 5. Merry Kissmas | 6. Red Deer at Night | 7. The Tremulous Tapir | 8. Inkan | 9. Squirrelled Away | 10. Lumpy Frog

1. Footprints in the Snow, Christmas Card 2017 | 2. Tube Mouse | 3. Tideline Treasure from the Tokio Express | 4. Snug | 5. Merry Kissmas | 6. Red Deer at Night | 7. The Tremulous Tapir | 8. Inkan | 9. Squirrelled Away | 10. Lumpy Frog